Structural/Bodytub Changes - Canvasses & Straps - Rear Seat Locker
Engine Bay - Drivers Compartment - Vehicle Accessories 

Engine Bay Restoration
Page 2

January/February 2006

In mid January I started cleaning up and painting the engine bay.

With it cold and damp outside, most of the work was done in the garage. This wasn't easy because of the false floor above the aircraft trailer, only allowing access from the front of the Jeep.

I started by cleaning and painting the hood, before starting to remove other components for individual attention.

The batteries were removed to allow painting in that area.

There is a bit of rust on the battery mounting plate which needed cleaning with a rotary wire brush before it can be painted.

I used black Hammerite as a tough finish considering the possibilities of acid spills.

The air filter, oil filter, lights, carb intake manifold, radiator, fan, alternator, starter, engine block and firewall were all cleaned up and painted.

Here's the carburettor intake manifold, before and after.
Left fender with the air filter mount in black. Air filter.
With the radiator in position, painting the front of the fan was difficult. The oil filter housing cleaned and painted.
When I removed the oil filter housing and brackets, I found the original Willys engine serial number - MB 465 640, from mid September 1944.
Batteries re-installed and the right side complete. All complete.