Structural/Bodytub Changes - Canvasses & Straps - Rear Seat Locker
Engine Bay - Drivers Compartment - Vehicle Accessories 

Canvasses and Straps

Although my Jeep was one of the early versions fitted with canvas parts, it was rebuilt in 1966 and possibly at that time received plastic seats and roof. The plastic was of course wrong for a WW2 Jeep so new Canvas seats and roof were added.

As it left the French Army with the plastic seats and roof In its Olive Drab scheme with the new canvas roof and seats

Two simple additions that my Jeep was lacking were the doorway safety straps and the stowage straps under the passenger seat. Both sets came from 'Jeeparts'.

The Canvas Halfdoors make a big difference to warmth in the jeep. They stop the draft around your legs and lower back, making colder days more comfortable.
