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2019 Lunar Eclipse 

The evening of the 20th started out cloudy and raining. It didn't bode well for the Lunar eclipse in the early hours of the 21st. As the evening moved towards the last few hours of the day, the clouds began to thin, the rain stopped and the clouds eventually cleared. As soon as the rain stopped, I opened up the observatory, set up the camera and got everything ready. Once it cleared, I did a few test shots and some video to produce a full Moon shot before closing up the observatory roof.

From then onwards, the sky stayed virtually clear, apart from a couple of occasions when it went a bit hazy. This allowed my to capture the Moon every 5 minutes until 06:40, by which time, only a tiny sliver of Moon was to be seen above a neighbour's house roof - 21-01-19

Click the picture below for the full size 3000 x 2400 pixel image.