Ongoing Work
November  2021

November 21st - Hibernation

With the garage door openings still unmodified and the Dodge now in the garage, the GPW is trapped in the middle without easy access to the door. It is unlikely to be moved until next season and so to avoid flat spots on the tyres, it was jacked up and put on axle stands. I went to try and run the engine but it wouldn't start due to low battery power.

I'd had it on a trickle charger, timed to come on for a couple of hours a day, but also had a high frequency conditioner/plate cleaner attached. I think this has been pulling more power out than the charger has been putting it. I gave it a brief fast charge and got it started, running it up to temperature. I also topped up the antifreeze. After the run, I put my newer, cycler/ conditioner charger on the battery and left it to take care of things. The engine has been sounding a bit lumpy since Beamish, so I'm going to have to start checking/swapping ignition components to see if I can narrow it down.
