Old Cassop Test Drive and Hill Climb - September 17th

Andy brought his Jeep over to investigate an odd noise underneath. It only happens briefly when decelerating and creates a noise that sounds like something metal catching something rotating, giving a brief buzzing noise. We thought we'd found it when we found the handbrake cable being very close to the front prop shaft, but after pulling it further away with some cable ties, the noise remained. Several other possible sources of vibration were looked at, but nothing stopped the brief noise. I'm wondering if there's a slight imbalance in one of the prop shafts, that resonates at certain RPMs when not under load from the engine.

After giving up on the noise location, I got my Jeep out and we went for a short drive. We headed South a few miles, to the hill climb by Old Cassop for some pictures. We stopped at the bottom briefly while I tightened my roof bows, then headed up the narrow road.

There's a gateway near the top that was big enough to pull off the road for some additional pictures, out over the landscape below us.
After coming back down the other side of the hill, Andy turned South and headed home while I went North back home, via sunset lane for a few more pictures of my Jeep on its own.
