Dodge/Noctilucent Cloud Photoshoot - June 18th

Operating military vehicles is just one of my hobbies. Since childhood, I've also been interested in astronomy, getting my first decent telescope in 2012. I built a small observatory at my old house and I'm waiting to start work on a larger one at the new house. So I'm often on the lookout for astro related happenings and in the Summer months, that is often Noctilucent Clouds. I think the word comes from the translation of the German words, which translate to night shining clouds. These electric blue clouds form right at the edge of space, when ice crystals form on tiny particles of meteor smoke,  floating at 250,000 to 280,000 feet altitude. I got a heads up on my local astronomy Facebook page and went out to see. After a few shots of the clouds alone, I decided to go a bit more 'arty' and compose the Dodge into some of the shots.
