Remembrance Weekend - November 8/9th

In preparation for the Remembrance Service at the aircraft museum on Sunday 9th, I took Hope out on the 8th to get fuel and give her a run around. It was also a chance to test out the modifications to the fuel tank sender float. The reworked cork float, still wasn't floating, so as a temporary measure, I've fitted a plastic 35mm film container as a float. I'd like to get a replacement cork float if possible. 
Remembrance Service at NELSAM

Sunday afternoon was the Remembrance Service. It was dry, clear sky, sunny, and surprisingly warm for a week into November. There were around two dozen people there, which included a group of Brownies and their leaders. I was wondering if I was going to get there when the starter gear jammed in the disengaged position, but a few whacks with a spanner freed it, and it was fine for the trip home. Perhaps the new starter just needs running in and freeing up? 
